@extends('layouts.smart') @section('content')


Drugstore Nigeria is Nigeria’s largest online pharmacy store where you can buy medicine.

Buy drugs, medical and hospital equipment from registered pharmacies in Nigeria and get it delivered to you.

Drugstore Nigeria enables easier and faster access to drugs.


@foreach ($categories->chunk(4) as $chunk)
@foreach ($chunk as $category) @endforeach


@forelse ($categories as $category)

{{ ucfirst($category->name) }}

@forelse ($category->stocks->take(8)->chunk(8) as $chunk)
@foreach($chunk as $stock)
$stock->company->id,'stock'=>$stock->slug]) }}'>
{{ $stock->name }}
{{ substr($stock->name, 0, 20) }}
{{ config('sitedata.currency') . $stock->price }}

No item in this category yet.



No categories yet.

