@extends('layouts.listings') @section('content')

Review Your Order & Complete Checkout

Help us keep your account safe and secure, please verify your billing information.

Order Total

{{ config('sitedata.currency') }} {{ Session::has('total_amount') ? number_format(Session::get('total_amount')) : $total_amount }} @if (Session::has('total_amount')) Remove Coupon @endif

Delivery Fee: {{ config('sitedata.currency') }}{{ number_format($deliveryFee) }}

How would you like to pay?

By submiting this order you are agreeing to our universal billing agreement, and terms of service. If you have any questions about our products or services please contact us before placing this order.


Do you have a coupon code? Insert it here and apply.

{{ csrf_field() }}
@endsection @section('after_scripts') @endsection